Behind the Scenes: Incredible Facts about ‘The Brady Bunch’

Published on January 17, 2018
Great television is a charity that just keeps on giving. One of the greatest shows of all time, and a classic too, is The Brady Bunch. Even though everybody has heard of the show many people haven’t really dove deep into the history of the program. Today we are going to regal you with 35 juicy secrets about the show, the cast, and the team that made it all happen!

The show was based off of math!

Err, well, kind of. The Brady Bunch found its inspiration in a newspaper statistic: In 1965 nearly 31% of marriages involved children from a prior marriage. Interesting inspiration, for sure. We’re not going to hammer you with more statistics – this isn’t an environmental education class. Let’s keep on moving!

The Show Was Based Off Of Math

The Show Was Based Off Of Math

Bobby was not a natural blonde!

In showbiz sometimes you have to get your hair treated. Mike Lookinland, the child actor who played Bobby, had to repeatedly dye his blonde hair in order to match the rest of the family. Sure it’s not as difficult as managing sustainable development for sustainable cities, but still!

Bobby Was A Natural Blonde

Bobby Was A Natural Blonde


That’s A No From Me

Apparently the movie star Gene Hackman almost landed the lead role of Mike. The producers unfortunately felt like he wasn’t established enough and thus turned to Robert Reed – who was more famous at the time.

Thats A No From Me

That’s A No From Me


Susan Olsen had a real lisp.

Susan Olsen won over a ton of fans thanks to her lisp as the character Cindy. Realists, never fear! Olsen’s lisp was as real as it sounded despite regularly working with a speech therapist up into her 20s.

Susan Olsen Had A Real Lisp

Susan Olsen Had A Real Lisp


The cast hated the clothing.

Yup, it’s easy to look back now and say that the fashion was bad on The Brady Bunch. However, during filming all of the younger actors would routinely complain about their outfits – often begging for something more fashionable. They were always refused!

The Cast Hated The Clothing

The Cast Hated The Clothing


Over 260 kids auditioned for the show!

That number actually doesn’t sound that high when you consider the sheer number of child actors in The Brady Bunch. The odds were always against the child actors as the producers wanted to see as many people as possible!

Over 260 Kids Auditioned For The Show1

Over 260 Kids Auditioned For The Show


Producers used psychology tricks during casting.

When the producers would see the child actors at auditions they would employ a number of casting tricks. One trick included putting a bunch of distracting children-toys on the table. Kids who paid attention to the toys were passed over immediately!

The Producers Used Psychology Tricks During Casting

Producers Used Psychology Tricks During Casting


Mrs. Brady had two actors.

Florence Henderson wasn’t the only Mrs. Brady that the show had seen! Initially Joyce Bulifant, a more comedic and zany actress, was brought on board. She was used extensively in screen tests and as an aid during casting in the rest of the show. However, the producers decided to go for a more subdued Mrs. Brady and thus brought on Mrs. Henderson.

Mrs. Brady Had Two Actors

Mrs. Brady Had Two Actors


Susan Olsen and Maureen McCormick didn’t get along.

‘Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.’ The words came off authentically thanks to actual tension between the two oldest Brady Bunch sisters. Apparently Susan and Maureen had a bit of a feud on set – and it all revolved around the romantic subplot with Desi Arnaz Jr.

Susan Olsen And Maureen McCormick Didn’t Get Along

Susan Olsen And Maureen McCormick Didn’t Get Along


Susan Olsen and Mike Lookinland had a fling!

Well, the word ‘fling’ is probably giving too much charity. The Cindy and Bobby actors admitted to kissing several times – when they were just 9 years old. They used to kiss in the doghouse so as not to get in trouble. Puppy love, eh?

Susan Olsen And Mike Lookinland Had A Fling

Susan Olsen And Mike Lookinland Had A Fling


Florence Henderson missed a huge chunk of filming!

The first season began production without Mrs. Brady! Florence Henderson was obligated contractually to an off-Broadway play and thus she missed filming over the first six episodes. She had to go in and fill her scenes at a later time.

Florence Henderson Missed A Huge Chunk Of Filming

Florence Henderson Missed A Huge Chunk Of Filming


Best Friends For Life

While the actresses playing the Brady sisters seemed to have squabbled, their male counterparts definitely got along. Barry Williams and Christopher Knight became best friends and attended each other’s weddings later on.

The Brady Brothers Were Close Off Set.

The Brady Brothers Were Close Off Set.


Marcia and Greg hooked up – off set.

Maureen McCormick shared her first kiss with on-screen brother, Barry Williams (Greg). Maureen noted that, while it was wonderful, a part of her admitted: “I’m kissing my brother. What am I doing?”

Marcia And Greg Hooked Up – Off Set

Marcia And Greg Hooked Up – Off Set


Barry Williams showed up to set stoned.

Williams admitted in his memoir that he ‘dabbled a little’ as a teenager with marijuana. In fact, in the sequence where Mr. Brady purchases a boat you can tell that Barry is completely out of it. He trips over nothing in the driveway. The episode had to be chopped down as a result.

Barry Williams Showed Up To Set Stoned

Barry Williams Showed Up To Set Stoned


Marcia’s nose injury was based on real life!

Actress Maureen McCormick had injured her nose in a car accident so the writers decided to incorporate it into the show. The result is one of Marcia’s most famous scenes: getting hit with a football. Ouch. Although, it did make for good television.

Marcia’s Nose Injury Was Based On Real Life

Marcia’s Nose Injury Was Based On Real Life


Florence had to wear a wig in the first season.

Florence Henderson won the part of Mrs. Brady while working in the revival off-Broadway play, South Pacific. As a result, Henderson’s hair was cropped short and had to be covered up by a wig.

Florence Had To Wear A Wig In The First Season

Florence Had To Wear A Wig In The First Season


Maureen and Barry’s relationship interfered with filming.

There is a reason that romance in the workplace is discouraged. While filming a three-episode arc in Hawaii, Maureen McCormick and Barry Williams were getting so cozy during scenes that the director had to cut – several times – in order to separate the artists.

Maureen And Barry’s Relationship Interfered With Filming

Maureen And Barry’s Relationship Interfered With Filming


Eve Plumb (Jan) was married first.

Jan’s character was more than a bit of an outcast in the show, but that didn’t stop her from finding love. Eve Plumb was the first of all the Brady children to get married in real life.

Eve Plumb (Jan) Was Married First

Eve Plumb (Jan) Was Married First


Dude, I Surf

Greg has a surf boarding scene in Hawaii and actor Barry Williams was good enough to take on the task. Sorta. When Greg wipes out in the episode it ended up actually injuring the actor. Hire a stuntman next time!

Dude I Surf

Dude I Surf


Maureen and Eve still dislike one another.

You’d be hard pressed to convince these two child stars to meet up for coffee. According to co-star Susan Olsen, Eve and Maureen have no desire to even communicate.

Maureen And Eve Still Dislike One Another

Maureen And Eve Still Dislike One Another


Lloyd Schwartz broke up Maureen and Barry.

Schwartz, a producer on The Brady Bunch, was absolutely worried that Maureen and Barry would screw up set-chemistry with their real life relationship. He apparently convinced Barry to end the relationship by telling him that he was too good looking and young to be in a relationship.

Lloyd Schwartz Broke Up Maureen And Barry

Lloyd Schwartz Broke Up Maureen And Barry


Christopher Knight couldn’t sing at all.

Most members of The Brady Bunch cast could sing fairly well – par for the course in child acting. When it comes to Christopher Knight however, he was so bad that all of his scenes had to be lip synced.

Its Better If You Dont

It’s Better If You Don’t


Mike Loonkinland (Bobby) gave up acting.

The truth is that most child actors don’t make it after their first run of programming. Eventually Mike Lookinland would become a cameraman for both film and TV.

Mike Lookinland (Bobby) Gave Up Acting

Mike Lookinland (Bobby) Gave Up Acting


Tiger the Dog was hit by a car.

…On set. The family dog was hit by a car between takes and had to be replaced by a similar looking dog. Talk about incredibly heart breaking!

Tiger The Dog Was Hit By A Car

Tiger The Dog Was Hit By A Car


There were no toilets on The Brady Bunch.

This is sort of a callback to a ridiculously conservative era of network rules. Back when The Brady Bunch aired it was still taboo to show a toilet on TV.

There Were No Toilets On The Brady Bunch

There Were No Toilets On The Brady Bunch


Marcia was actually hit by a football!

When Marcia gets hit by a football in the face – it actually happened, no TV magic. In fact, producer Lloyd Schwartz was the one who threw the football!

Marcia Was Actually Hit By A Football!

Marcia Was Actually Hit By A Football!


Maureen McCormick pursued music after her TV career.

Though she had a great voice, McCormick couldn’t quite get a musical career rolling. Outside of a single, ‘Little Bird’, McCormick never gained traction in the radio world.

Maureen McCormick Pursued Music After Her TV Career

Maureen McCormick Pursued Music After Her TV Career


Barry asked his TV mom out on a date!

Back when Barry was a hot-shot child actor, at just 15 years old, he tried to ask out Florence Henderson. Henderson politely declined.

Barry Asked His TV Mom Out On A Date

Barry Asked His TV Mom Out On A Date


Ratings for The Brady Bunch were mediocre.

Despite the longevity of the show and the cultural appeal, The Brady Bunch never racked up viewers. Most of The Brady Bunch’s fame came during syndication with a younger audience.




Goofs and mistakes were commonplace.

Many shows during this era played a little loose with their production mistakes and acting goofs. This was an era before recordings and instant playback so the rules were a little lighter. As a result you can see many mistakes, continuity errors, and actor outtakes in the show.

Goofs And Mistakes Were Commonplace

Goofs And Mistakes Were Commonplace


Dennis, the Menice

Okay, we’re being slightly hyperbolic, but the point still stands. Robert Reed, the star of the show, was a headache on set for both his co-stars and the production team. He was very fickle and controlling – causing many freak outs.

Robert Reed Was A Menace On Set

Robert Reed Was A Menace On Set


Henderson has a unique Star Trek story.

When Henderson was going through screen testing to score the role of Mrs. Brady she had accidentally wandered into the makeup room for Star Trek. The makeup artists helped her anyway as she sat next to Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. Could be worse.

Henderson Has A Unique Star Trek Story

Henderson Has A Unique Star Trek Story


There was no glass in the backdoor of the Brady house.

In order to control lights and reflected surfaces, the producers of The Brady Bunch decided to pull the glass out of the sliding door in The Brady Bunch back yard.

There Was No Glass In The Backdoor Of The Brady House

There Was No Glass In The Backdoor Of The Brady House


The theme song was initially recorded without the Brady children.

The first season’s theme song was done by The Peppermint Trolley Company. So, if you thought that the Brady children had always belted out the theme song, well, you’re wrong!

The Theme Song Was Initially Recorded Without The Brady Children

The Theme Song Was Initially Recorded Without The Brady Children


Out Of Luck

In the final season of the show the producers tried to introduce a neighboring family: The Kelly’s. There was an entire episode dedicated to exploring the characters with the hopes that it would pull in a spin-off. It didn’t. Whomp whomp.

Out Of Luck

Out Of Luck


For The Win

Initially during the first phases of casting, the kids were chosen – long before anyone even knew who mom and dad would be. Apparently the goal was to cast all 12 child actors in reserve: three blonde girls, three brunette boys, three blonde boys, and three brunette girls. Yes, they were aware that before the parents were chosen that they would have contrasting hair color and the kids would just have to correspond.

For The Win

For The Win


The D Word

Back then, the idea of divorce was taboo so no one talked much about Mrs. Brady’s first husband. While everyone knows that Mr. Brady was a widower, no one is sure about Carol’s angle. Florence recently joked, when asked about her back background, that she killed him.

The D Word

The D Word


In The Closet

Unfortunately in that time, many gay actors remained in the closet as they feared public disappointment. And Robert Reed was not an exception. See he was one of the few who hid the fact that he was gay and, as Olsen explained, “would have been mortified to know that we knew.”

In The Closet

In The Closet



In the first seasons, cute little Susan Olsen had her hair bleached in order to keep it as blonde as per what the producers wanted it. However once her baby fine hair came out in clumps, they stopped.





Robert Reed, aka Mike Brady, was actually written out of the final episode of The Brady Bunch after he had an argument with Schwartz. Reed just felt that the writing was too ridiculous. At the end of the tiff, he stayed on set during filming because Schwartz didn’t want to remove him in front of the kids.

Buh Bye

Buh Bye


Not the First

Most people believe that The Brady Bunch was the first show to have shown a married couple sleeping in the same bed. While that was a shocking sight at the time, it wasn’t the first. In deed the first show was a late 40’s show called Mary Kay and Johnny.

Not The First

Not The First


Only One

Think back to the Dittmeyer family, the one who lived next door. Well in the show they were referred all throughout the show but the audience only actually saw the father of the Dittmeyer family. And it happened just one time.

Only One

Only One


Paid Parking

Olsen mentioned that even though the child actors earned very little for their roles on screen, they were actually required to pay for parking. Luckily, this was the case for just the first season.

Paid Parking

Paid Parking


With These Hands

No one can forget the cute little tree house in the backyard! Turns out that for authenticity purposes, the producers decided that the actors who played the Brady boys needed to build it themselves. Nice!

With These Hands

With These Hands


Not A Happy Camper

Granted Robert Reed was one heavily trained actor and there were times when he had problems with the script – and he had no issues bringing it up to the producers. Often this would lead to bickers with the executives. Oh.

Not A Happy Camper

Not A Happy Camper



As the youngest of ten children and also the child of an alcoholic, Florence has attributed her success to having a loving mother that was determined to see her children create a better life for themselves.




Tom Cruise

Before he become Greg, Barry Williams had a bit of an early breakthrough with a role on Mission: Impossible. His character was a king who disguised himself as a young gypsy girl. Now that’s a sight to see.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise


Chatty Cathy

Picture this: a young Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia, was actually the voice for the legendary Chatty Cathy doll back in the 1960’s. Huh, that’s interesting.

Chatty Cathy

Chatty Cathy



Turns out that before the pilot was even sold, Schwartz had honestly considered naming the show The Brady Brood instead of The Brady Bunch. Just doesn’t seem right!




Dem Lyrics

Originally, the title song was supposed to be performed by professional adult vocalists. However from the second season on, the Brady kids sang it all themselves and the lyrics then changed from third person to first.. “They became…” to “We became… the Brady Bunch”.

Dem Lyrics

Dem Lyrics



When the fifth and final season showed up when the ratings started to fall, so welcome Cousin Oliver! Moreover we have to note that in the business, the saying “Cousin Oliver” turned to mean that a character was introduced in a last attempt to salvage a dying show.





Once the show was cancelled, there were tons of animated specials, reboots, and parody movies created. However the show only turned legendary because of the reruns and post-production films.




A Year

After the first season aired, you may have noticed that the Brady children look a lot older than the first one. However that’s because a full year passed between the pilot and the beginning of season two.

A Year

A Year