20 Inventions We All Take For Granted And Liposuction Isn’t One Of Them

Published on January 20, 2018

Invisible Power

To this day, experts still don’t know exactly what electricity is. And then there’s me – I can’t remember where the light switch is in my bathroom. This is not an invention per se, rather it is a discovery. Who actually made this discovery is a platform for controversy. Can you imagine a world without electricity? This list would hardly be complete if no-one had discovered it.

Invisible Power

Invisible Power

Voice Teleporters

Are you reading this on your mobile phone? If you answered ‘yes’ then you own a “voice teleporter”, my friend. It’s mind-blowing that according to the U.N. more people around the world have cell phones than they have access to toilets. Approximately 6 out 7 billion of the world’s population own this device.


Voice Teleporters