16 Savage Memes That’ll Leave You Dying From Laughter!

Published on January 21, 2018
The age of the internet is here and it has fundamentally changed the way that we communicate with one another. Where we once relied only upon letters and phone calls, young people are more than ever turning to the digital world to communicate. Things called ‘memes’ have become the new way to get your message across. Memes are short, punchy, funny images that sum up a situation in a couple of words. We pulled together 16 of the meanest, most savage memes that left us dying from laughter. Enjoy!

10 x 0 = 0.

If you are going to go the route of the cliche bully then you might want to at least buck the trend of not understanding basic mathematics. Saying you land 10 times more girls than your adversary, when he is willing to admit to copping 0, really just makes you look kind of dumb. We’ll take one of your finest discount hotel rooms at the You-Got-Burned Hotel.

10 x 0 = 0

10 x 0 = 0

Don’t talk down to us, Wonka.

Condescending Willy Wonka is probably our favorite meme because it gives us a reason to remember Gene Wilder’s hilarious performance in the classic film. With that being said, most kids that are passing this meme around probably don’t even know who Wilder is or why he is dressed the way he is. Wait, are we insulting people now? Are we the ‘super cool’ ones? Ugh, we’ll take our online hotel booking to the You-Got-Burned Hotel also.

Don't talk down to us, Wonka

Don’t talk down to us, Wonka

Conspiracy Theorists don’t have to make sense.

Ancient Aliens is the gift that keeps on giving, well, at least in terms of funny memes (but not history). It’s pretty hilarious that someone used the Ancient Aliens host in order to make fun of conspiracy theorists because he is unabashedly one himself. This meme points out the hilarious disconnect between hardcore conspiracy theorists and their chosen vices. It’s like: really dude? You’re worried about fluoride while puffing away at cigarettes and pounding a bunch of crappy PBR? Please tell us how you are ‘woke’.

Conspiracy Theorists don't have to make sense

Conspiracy Theorists don’t have to make sense

Sherlock has a point.

Benedict Cumberbatch may be an award winning actor with serious gravitas to his name but he is just another part of the meme machine here. This Cumberbatch inspired ‘postcard’ is just as condescending as you could want, especially if you are looking to lay it on thick against your ‘opponent’. There is just something so off putting about being insulted by supposedly one of the smartest characters on all of TV. The worst thing is that you’re going to eventually go back to the BBC and watch the series anyway because Sherlock is incredible and deserves the support.

Sherlock has a point

Sherlock has a point

Toilet level memes.

Targeting South Park for your memes is bordering on unfair at this point. The classic television show has become a staple in internet meme warfare for a long time and this meme does it justice in one punchy sentence. I think we are going to have to make another hotel reservation online at the Burn Ward now.

Toilet level memes

Toilet level memes

Someone call an ambulance.

There’s something savagely hilarious about using stock photos of blonde women eating fruit to totally eviscerate someone on the internet. This meme holds nothing back, going straight for the kill without any pretense or apology. Also, that fruit bowl really sucks — 99% melon with three blackberries? Come on.

Someone call an ambulance

Someone call an ambulance

If you are left handed this doesn’t work.

Most people aren’t left handed. Scientists don’t know why. So when people try to draw with their non dominant, left, hand they end up creating something pretty atrocious. This meme captures the spirit of those ugly drawings you’d try to bring to life with your ‘ugly’ hand. Yeah, it hurts to be called that ugly. Use this meme wisely.

If you are left handed this doesn't work

If you are left handed this doesn’t work

Rhymes for Frankenstein.

When you are really ‘feeling it’ during your meme fight you can get fancy and classy by going for the black-and-white memes. Frankenstein conjures up some pretty classic imagery and you can throw on this sick little rhyme to really rub it in your enemy’s face. It’s not tier 1 poetry but it will do the job for that idiot on Facebook who won’t stop passively aggressively commenting on your posts.

Rhymes for Frankenstein

Rhymes for Frankenstein

Dad Jokes Level 100.

Dad jokes are typically groan inducing comments that are meant to embarrass everyone in the room with, of course, the exception of the father. This dad joke goes straight for the jugular by pointing out just how ugly you think your enemy is. Is there anything worse than calling for burying a newborn because it is so darn ugly? Probably this is going too far, but we agree — some babies are just ugly.

Dad Jokes Level 100

Dad Jokes Level 100

Whoever smelled it…

This is a questionable image choice for meme warfare. On one hand we have what looks to be some sort of South American slum in the background which has been overtaken by water. On the other hand we have a savage and hilarious meme pasted over top of it. We’ll call it ‘equal’ and let it go, but you’re getting close to dangerous territory here! You have to balance a little sensitivity in your meme war, you don’t want your opponent to have the option to change the subject to how cruel you are.

Whoever smelled it

Whoever smelled it

The bilingual meme.

Do you really want to double down on the meme war? Then use a meme in a different language that will make your opponent translate it. The outcome? A meme that makes absolutely no sense and has completely wasted your opponents time. This kind of meme is straight out of Sun Tzu’s playbook, the Art of Meme War. Errr, something like that anyway.

The bilingual meme

The bilingual meme

Well, if Hugh Laurie said so..

There is something about having a tall and handsome English person deliver an insult that is so completely satisfying. Any insult is rendered 1000% more effective when read in Hugh Laurie’s voice. His calm delivery and patented condescension is enough to make anyone’s blood boil when the meme hits its mark. This meme takes the battle to the next level by attacking you with something so fundamentally simple that you just can’t respond.

Well, if Hugh Laurie said so

Well, if Hugh Laurie said so

How can something so cute be so mean?

Using cuddly and cute animals to deliver your ultimate insult is a classic part of internet warfare. Being able to send them something disarming while filling it with text that will absolutely brutalize them is something that is just too darn hard to counter. Who doesn’t love a good “you don’t have a brain” joke? Especially when you can compound it with the implication of the image: that they look like this little monkey due to their lack of intelligence. Okay, we looked too deep into this meme. But the info checks out.

How can something so cute be so mean

How can something so cute be so mean

Meme monkey is back.

Here is the follow up to our brain-monkey joke listed in the last slide. We once again have another adorable animal, dressed in human clothing, looking completely innocent but surprised. The implication here is that your target looks just as innocent and shocked by the delivery of this savage meme. What’s better than a “you’re stupid” joke when you don’t have anything else left in the arsenal? Sure, it isn’t exactly clever but Facebook isn’t the place to have your work peer reviewed and edited by the masterminds of memes. Send out what you have and hope something hits!

Meme monkey is back

Meme monkey is back

I’m stooping to your level, on purpose.

When you master the art of self deprecation you will ascend to a whole different level in regards to your meme warfare. When you can make fun of yourself without batting an eye you have effectively disarmed your opponent from the majority of the meme images in their arsenal. This classic insult works well on the internet and in person when you are in one of those dumb debates that just won’t end. How can anyone respond to this without sounding silly?

I'm stooping to your level, on purpose

I’m stooping to your level, on purpose

Gordon Ramsay goes in for the kill.

We talked about how English accents make memes even more effective and that is doubly true thanks to Gordon Ramsay’s surprise appearance on our list. Gordon Ramsay has mastered the art of eviscerating his opponents in a war of words. In fact, Ramsay is so effective that his likeness is being used to create more and more insults such as this Goodyear themed meme. Pretty clever, right?

Gordon Ramsay goes in for the kill

Gordon Ramsay goes in for the kill