14 Cemeteries That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Published on January 28, 2018
Ostensibly cemeteries are places where we let our dead go to ‘rest’ in peace and dignity. We visit cemeteries to remember loved ones and to cherish the times we shared with them. Death, however, is going to be macabre no matter how dignified you act around it and cemeteries will also weird people out by association. We are thrill seekers ourselves and the idea of being spooked is super appealing. We decided to pull together a list showing 14 cemeteries that will leave your skin crawling and your limbs shaking with fear! Visit these places if you dare.

Chamula Cemetery

Stepping onto the grounds of the San Juan Chamula Cemetery, located in Chiapis, is like stepping into a time machine. The grounds are covered in barebones headstones, ancient buildings, and leftover material from a different time. The primary draw of this cemetery is the haunting church that looms over the entire grounds. You’ll find the headless chickens around the ground on just about every visit as people sacrifice the animals in remembrance of their loved ones.

Chamula Cemetery

Chamula Cemetery

Les Catacombes

Les Catacombes, or just the Catacombs of Paris, is located in the iconic city of Paris, France. Underneath those beautiful streets are the remains of an estimated six million people who were buried there. As you walk along these halls you will see entire walls made out of bones, skulls, and other creepy fixtures. The location is allegedly very haunted and even if it isn’t we have no doubt that it is creepy enough to instill fear into you anyway. You can make a hotel reservation online at a fair price near the Catacombs if you want to take a day trip. Don’t go alone, however.

Les Catacombes

Les Catacombes

Stamps Cemetery

If you thought that the name of this cemetery was fairly tame then you’ll be shocked by its nickname: The Witches Graveyard. The reason that this cemetery is considered so spooky is pretty simple: the gravestones and grounds are covered in pentagrams and other occult like marks. The place has been known to have random animals sacrificed on the grounds with nobody knowing who is behind it all. Locals also have claimed to see spooky apparitions floating throughout the cemetery.

Stamps Cemetery

Stamps Cemetery

The Recoleta Cemetery

There is something innately haunting about 19th century gothic architecture and that is why we get so unnerved when looking at the Recoleta Cemetery which is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Of course the locals have stories of ghosts who move through the streets and figures who appear out of the shadows but one apparition in particular takes our attention: The Lady in White. We won’t spoil her story so go and look her up if you dare. Argentina has a ton of discount hotel rooms available throughout the various establishments if you look for online hotel booking info.

The Recoleta Cemetery

The Recoleta Cemetery

Old Jewish Cemetery of Prague

Located in the Czech Republic the Old Jewish Cemetery is one of those places that slowly lets an unsettling feeling seep into your bones. In the Jewish Quarter of the city this grave site has been collecting known and unknown burials since early in the 15th century. Though there are only 12,000 tombstones on the site there have been more than 100,000 different burials on location — many of which cause bodies to overlap underneath the ground.

Old Jewish Cemetery of Prague

Old Jewish Cemetery of Prague

Capuchin Crypt

The Capuchin Crypt is located in Rome and it houses probably the most macabre collection of ‘buried’ individuals on our list. Over 4,000 different friars are buried on location with the majority of them having their bones on display. The bones of these Capuchin Friars are arranged in different chapels which are named after the individual body part on display. Freaky.

Capuchin Crypt

Capuchin Crypt

Valley of the Kings

Is there any burial site as iconic as the Valley of the Kings? This grave site is located in Cairo, Egypt and it proudly calls itself home to the grave of Tutankhamen. The Valley of the Kings also has allegedly laid a curse on all of the people involved in its discovery as many of those who were first to enter the temple would later die of mysterious circumstances.

Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings

Capela dos Ossos

This crypt has probably the creepiest entry words we have ever heard: “We bones that are here, for yours await.” Once you step inside of the crypt you will see the bones of over 5,000 different monks literally lining the walls. Yeah, between this and the Capuchin Crypt we’re not so sure we want to ever be a monk.

Capela dos Ossos

Capela dos Ossos

Bachelor’s Grove

This cemetery is located near Chicago and it was first opened back in 1844. On the surface this cemetery looks rather normal but you have to truly experience it to start understanding why it is included on our list. Considered one of the most haunted grave sites in America, Bachelor’s Grove has a mile long list of creepy sightings and experiences including the reported Madonna who ranges from grave to grave.

Bachelor's Grove

Bachelor’s Grove

Cimitero di San Michele

Located near Venice, Italy we have the Cemetery of San Michele. The reason this cemetery is so creepy is that it is an entire island dedicated to the dead. It came into existence when authorities decided to ban the burial of dead bodies on the mainland in Venice. This island is still in use today to house dead bodies but you have to buy a 10 year lease to be so honored with the ability. There are, of course, many spooky stories that surround this chilling land.

Cimitero di San Michele

Cimitero di San Michele

Ganges River

The city of Varanasi is located right on the Ganges River and it is considered one of the most spiritual places in the country. The people of Varanasi by and large believe that the river is where you should be sent after you die as it represents “purification”. As a result thousands of people every year are cremated on the river where their remains are left to float off into the distance. The people of Varanasi still rely on the river as a place to clean themselves and their clothing despite the high level of pollution. Yuck.

Ganges River

Ganges River

Stull Cemetery

At first glance the Stull Cemetery doesn’t look like anything out of the ordinary, as far as cemeteries are concerned. However, a little research will lead you to learn that the Stull Cemetery is listed as one of the Seven Portals to Hell on Earth. There are various legends that persist around this cemetery and some that make our skin crawl. Allegedly if you knock on just the right part of the old rubble from the abandoned Church you will hear the Devil respond to you. Other people say that there is a stairway that can lead straight to the mouth of Hell somewhere in the Stull Cemetery. There is also reportedly another small cemetery lurking nearby that houses unmarked graves that is even creepier.

Stull Cemetery

Stull Cemetery

Manoa Chinese Cemetery

Located on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii the Manoa Chinese Cemetery is a beautiful place with a somber reflection on history. This cemetery is filled with graves of immigrant Chinese workers as well as their children, many of whom died due to high infant mortality rates. Chinese tradition dictates that all deceased infants be buried with one another so that they have someone to play with once they get to the afterlife. Detracting from the beauty of this cemetery are the slew of legends that speak of phantom voices, swirls of ghostly fires, and the occasional old tree that is rumored to be a direct link to the ‘next life’.

Manoa Chinese Cemetery

Manoa Chinese Cemetery

Okuno-in Cemetery

Located in Mt. Koya, Japan the Okuno-In Cemetery is probably the creepiest and most beautiful location on our entire list. Okuno is a special village that is considered sacred thanks to its proximity to nearly 120 different Buddhist temples. The majority of these statues have a small form erected on top of them that is called Jizo, a child monk with a plump little face. The legend of this cemetery is that Kobo Daishi, the ancient founder of a form of Buddhism, was buried here and that he vowed to one day rise from his grave with all of his followers behind him. Add this creepy legend with the Asian architecture and the location in the mountains and you have something that looks like it was pulled from a found footage movie.

Okuno-in Cemetery

Okuno-in Cemetery