11 Insane and Fun Things to Try Before You Die

Published on July 10, 2022
There’s an old saying that goes, “All humans die but some never begin to live”. This saying speaks to those of us who play our lives conservatively and never reach out and try to take the world by storm. If you, like me, are one of those people then maybe it is time to let your hair down and try to get a little crazy with your life. We decided to put together 11 of the most insane and fun things to try before you die in order to compile the ultimate bucket list. Now, we don’t suggest doing these one after the other but if you just knock out one or two a year then you’ll be golden. Get an energy drink, pack your bags, and get prepared to have some crazy fun.

Dive in a Shark Cage

The ocean is Earth’s final frontier. It has largely been untouched by human exploration and mysteries are destined to be there, deep below the surface of those murky blue waters. What we DO know is that giant predators, sharks, peruse these oceans as the unquestioned rulers of the sea. They are prehistoric survivors, remnants of a time lost to man — and they are friggin terrifying. Perhaps that is why people are spending tons of money to load themselves into a shark cage, like an oceanic Lunchable, in order to see these creatures up close. Now, we’re sure that the cages are completely safe (right?) but we bet your heart gets to pounding anyway.

Dive in a Shark Cage

Dive in a Shark Cage

Visit the Island of Dolls

Are you interested in the macabre? Do you like the weird mixture of folklore and history all wrapped up into a sight worth seeing? Then you’ll definitely dig The Islas de Las Munecas, located south of Mexico City. This tiny Island was once inhabited by Don Julian Santana as he hid away from society thanks to his intense drinking problem. Here he was reportedly plagued by visions of dead children in the woods. So, like any sane person would do, he began to buy decrepit old dolls by the hundreds so that he could hang them up in the trees. Now the island is filled with these creepy dolls and the Islas de las Munecas has become a popular tourist attraction for paranormal enthusiasts and adventure tourists. Don’t watch the Chucky films before heading over. We’re sure it’s not really haunted but, well, just in case.

Island of Dolls

Island of Dolls

Become a Digital Nomad

Is your job something that you can do on the go? Are you a travel enthusiast who isn’t afraid to try various cultures out around the world? Then consider renting a cheap flight, talking with car insurance companies, and get yourself set up somewhere else in the world. Bring your laptop and the willingness to work from a different country with you and give it a shot! Digital nomads are becoming the new age entrepreneurs that have all of the fun while getting their work done in their spare time. Digital nomads also have found ways to live nicely in countries where the American dollar sits quite strong. This is a big life change but, well, you only live once! Try it out for six months or even just a Summer. If you end upi loving it then this could become your new life!

Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad

Walk the CN Tower

Are you deathly afraid of heights? Do you want to overcome this fear in a fun, unique, and absolutely thrilling way? Then consider taking a trip up to Canada for a walk on the edge of the CN Tower. The CN Tower is the tallest building in all of Toronto and it is especially set up to help people overcome their fears in thrilling fashion. You’ll be strapped into a harness and given allowance so that you can walk around the edge of the building. The best part? Toronto is a beautiful city and you can land low cost car insurance for the duration of your trip. Once you’ve conquered your fear of heights you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the modern and hip city.

CN Tower

CN Tower

Quit Your Job

Alright, you wanted life changing so you are going to get life changing. Whether you love your job or not there is real, tangible benefit to up and quitting. Not only do you get a burst of serotonin when you make these difficult decisions but you will also be granted the chance to really observe yourself and find out who you really are. Some people end up clocking in and out of a job for 30+ years without ever realizing that they are miserable. Jobs aren’t easy to come by, sure, but neither is life and you owe it to yourself to have a shot at living it. If anything try and take extended leave to really give yourself the option to taste something different (like the other events on this list).

Quit Your Job

Quit Your Job

Traverse the Sewers of Paris

Before you get your online car insurance and plane ticket figured out, keep on reading. The Paris Sewer Museum which is located in Paris, France, offers visitors the chance to see 19th century Paris like they’ve never seen it before — from the underground sewers that web throughout the city. You’ll get a unique look at an older time replete with enough history to make the inner school kid inside of you light up with joy. It doesn’t exactly smell great and the tour itself is a little weird but, well, that’s what you get on a crazy bucket list! When you get out of the sewers go rinse your senses out with some delicious fine dining, you’ve earned it.

Traverse the Sewers of Paris

Traverse the Sewers of Paris

Watch the IMDB Top 100

Movies can be one of the greatest pleasures of mankind. When you find yourself fully immersed inside of a film you can’t help but feel every bit of the action. You’ll laugh, cry, love, and fear all at in a single sitting. You owe it to the inner movie snob inside of yourself to go ahead and watch all of the IMDB Top 100. As this list gradually changes over time make sure to take a snapshot and then slowly tick them all off. You’ll be treated to a wide variety of different films: foreign language films, horror films, classical dramas and everything in between. You don’t know what you are missing until you see it!

Watch the IMDB Top 100

Watch the IMDB Top 100

Act in a Movie

Speaking of movies we highly suggest trying to get in front of a camera at some point in your life. If you are near an urban area then there are always college film students looking for actors to give their best performance in front of the camera. This is a low pressure way to try and dig into a camera and see if you are an undiscovered talent! If nothing else, getting on camera allows you to engage in the sort of playful fantasy that helps keep us young and energized. Plus, you’ll always have the footage to share with friends and families for years to come so you’ll at least have a cool memory out of the whole ordeal.

Act in a Movie

Act in a Movie

Enter the Gruselkabinett in Berlin, Germany

Do you love haunted houses? Do you love World War II era history? Well, the Gruselkabinett should definitely sit right atop your bucket list. Located in Berlin, Germany this is one of the only WWII air raid shelters open for public perusal in the worlds. The building still has all of the trappings of the era but it has been dusted up to turn into one of the creepiest haunted houses in the world. There are three levels in the building and each one will offer you a unique look into the era along with a bunch of jump scares. If you have kids with you they’ll probably be sleeping in your room the night after your visit.

The Gruselkabinett

The Gruselkabinett

Watch a Meteor Shower

Meteor showers are one of the coolest, most intriguing natural phenomena that you can see and experience on Earth. There is something soul touching about watching these flaming bright rocks hurtling toward the ground in the sky above us. Fortunately scientists are able to forecast when and where these meteor showers are able to be seen so you’ll have plenty of time to get in position. Bonus points if you camp out and spend the night looking up at the stars, This can be a powerful reminder of our small place in the universe.

Watch a Meteor Shower

Watch a Meteor Shower

Attend the San Diego Comic Con

San Diego is a gorgeous city known for a plethora of things including Ron Burgundy and the San Diego Comic Con. The San Diego Comic Con is one of the largest comic conventions in the world and it is home to some of the coolest moments in pop culture and entertainment. Don’t worry if you aren’t into comics as the event will be crawling with celebrities, entertainment icons, and special events to keep you busy. Above all of those things is the feeling of energy thrumming in the crowd as the truly passionate engage in what they love.

San Diego Comic Con

San Diego Comic Con