10 Mind Blowing Facts About the Human Body

Published on January 25, 2018

You are dreaming more than you know.

No, this isn’t some cheap motivational line. The truth is that the human body will experience almost 1,500 dreams over the span of a year — almost all of which you will not remember when you wake up. Scientists have concluded that humans average around four dreams per night and that only a few people will remember any of them upon waking. However, it IS true that you can train your mind to recall dreams more often. Scientific study shows that merely keeping a dream journal by your bed, filled with dreams that you remember, can lead to a massive increase in recalled dreams. If you become good enough at recalling your dreams you can even dip into the realm of lucid dreaming — but that is a whole other topic.

You are dreaming more than you know

You are dreaming more than you know

Women see more color than men.

Has your girlfriend or wife ever asked you to choose between two different colored shirts, only to be baffled when you struggled to differentiate between the two? No, you aren’t color blind (probably), you are just at a disadvantage compared to your female significant other. Most people have three different color receptors in their eyes in order to help navigate through the world of color. Women can have up to five of these same receptors, thus giving themselves a wider range of color to actually take in. So don’t feel bad the next time you can’t distinguish between magenta and fuchsia — most men can’t either!

Women see more color than men

Women see more color than men