80 Hairs fall off your head every day.
Alright, so maybe not 80 exactly, but the science is there to suggest that you are losing more hair every single day than you could probably believe. Estimates by scientists say that the average human loses around 80 strands of hair every single day. Pretty amazing, right? Just think about how often you touch your hair or have it touched by something else. Whether you are brushing your hair, showering, wearing a hat, or a hood you almost always have something going on up there. If now isn’t the time to start taking care of your hair then it never will be. Focus on a comprehensive shower – shampoo – conditioner routine to keep your hair full and healthy for as long as possible. If you can’t do that you might as well give in and roll with the Bruce Willis look.

Hairs fall off your head every day
Love feels a lot like meth use.
Before we dig too deeply into this fascinating fact we have to put the disclaimer out there: don’t do meth, kids. Not even Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman could convince us that there was anything beneficial in doing meth. With that being said we are proud to blow your mind with the fact that your body treats love and meth digestion in almost the exact same way. When you feel a surge of love, be it from a significant other or even a family pet, your brain will let off a string of neurotransmitters and hormones that are almost identical as those released when you do amphetamines. In both instances your heart will begin to race, you’ll lose the ability to sleep, and your stomach will start to churn as you get more and more excited. Love is a drug, baby, and we’ll take as many doses as we can.

Love feels a lot like meth use
You will completely replace all of your skin in a single month.
If you feel like a new person on the first of the month then we have a reason why: you are, at least as far as your skin is concerned. Over the span of a month you will end up completely shedding and replacing all of your outer skin. That’s it, poof, a new layer like an onion is there. If that doesn’t completely trip you out we want you to imagine 40 pounds of anything. Now replace that ‘something’ with dead skin. Over the course of your lifetime your body will shed up to 40 pounds of skin right off of your body. Can you imagine if we were aware enough to see this constantly happening? We think it would drive people insane. An interesting fact, sure, but still the idea of shedding that much skin is completely disgusting. Then again these are mind blowing facts, not ones meant to comfort you.

You will completely replace all of your skin in a single month.
Your nose can distinguish 50,000 different scents.
If you think you have a pretty good sniffer then the odds are that you are just average. Yet, average in this case is completely mind blowing. Scientists have discovered that the human nose can identify and distinguish between 50,000 different smells. These smells range in all types: severe to mild and most of them will come packaged with a memory. Smell is one of our strongest senses and the one that we most closely tie to our memories. We bet that you remember the spell of an ex-girlfriends perfume or your old boyfriends after shave. Those simple scents can bring back floods of memories to the forefront of our brain, often leading to an ensuing surge of neurotransmitters being fired off. Next time you are out and about just take a moment to breathe and smell the area around you.

Your nose can distinguish 50,000 different scents
You are dreaming more than you know.
No, this isn’t some cheap motivational line. The truth is that the human body will experience almost 1,500 dreams over the span of a year — almost all of which you will not remember when you wake up. Scientists have concluded that humans average around four dreams per night and that only a few people will remember any of them upon waking. However, it IS true that you can train your mind to recall dreams more often. Scientific study shows that merely keeping a dream journal by your bed, filled with dreams that you remember, can lead to a massive increase in recalled dreams. If you become good enough at recalling your dreams you can even dip into the realm of lucid dreaming — but that is a whole other topic.

You are dreaming more than you know
Women see more color than men.
Has your girlfriend or wife ever asked you to choose between two different colored shirts, only to be baffled when you struggled to differentiate between the two? No, you aren’t color blind (probably), you are just at a disadvantage compared to your female significant other. Most people have three different color receptors in their eyes in order to help navigate through the world of color. Women can have up to five of these same receptors, thus giving themselves a wider range of color to actually take in. So don’t feel bad the next time you can’t distinguish between magenta and fuchsia — most men can’t either!

Women see more color than men
The strongest muscle in the human body is the jaw.
We actually have two interesting facts to break down here. First off, if anyone asked you to guess the strongest muscle in the body prior to reading this fact, what would you have picked? Most people would look to the legs or the arms and they would be pretty much dead wrong. The jaw muscle, or masseter, is the most dominant and strongest muscle in your entire body — and this makes a ton of sense. From a purely evolutionary standpoint what could be more important than being able to bite into potential food? The second half of this fact is that the human body is much stronger than we realize, jaw included. We subconsciously prevent ourselves from using our complete strength so as to prevent muscles and tendons from rending or suffering damage. In times of great need or stress our body will override these defensive measures and output strength in massive quantities with reports of people lifting cars or boulders being completely true.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the jaw
Your brain can power a light bulb.
No, you don’t have the spirit of Pikachu living inside of your body and no you aren’t a real superhero. Still, scientists have discovered that an awake human brain will produce enough electricity in order to power a small light bulb. Of course there is no way to harness this energy in any meaningful way, but it does show just how hard your brain is working. When you are awake and aware, your brain is put into such overdrive, constantly whizzing and whirring around different ideas, that the electrical charge builds up enough to turn a small light bulb on. Not convinced? You should be: your brain is the fastest and most powerful processor on the planet.

Your brain can power a light bulb
You will spend 10 percent of your waking hours with your eyes closed.
A football game will last for three hours on television, but there is only about 20 minutes of actual football action. The rest of the time is spent with filler. In that same vein you spend the majority of your life with your eyes simply closed. Over the span of a full, waking, day you will have your eyes closed thanks to blinking for a total of 10 percent of the time. Combine this statistic with how many hours you will sleep over the span of your lifetime (don’t look it up, it’s depressing) and you’ll end up with the realization that life happens behind closed eyes more often than the other way around.

You will spend 10 percent of your waking hours with your eyes closed
You will eat 60,000 pounds of food in your life.
Whether you are a heavy eater or not, the average amount of food that a person will eat in their life ends up at around 60,000 pounds. You can compare this weight to about six full grown adult elephants. You could also line up 9.5 Hummer H2s side by side and that would also represent the weight in food that you will eat before you die. All the more reason to make your diet a good one, right?

You will eat 60,000 pounds of food in your life