The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018

Spitting cobras

With a name like spitting cobras, you don’t need to think too hard just why this species makes the list. Spitting cobras are generally found in Africa and Asia. These cobras also have the ability to eject venom from their fangs when they are defending themselves against predators. Now the sprayed venom is actually harmless to intact skin, however, it can cause permanent blindness if one is sprayed in the eye and leaves it untreated.

Spitting Cobras

Spitting Cobras

Samar cobra

The Samar cobra is a highly venomous species of the spitting cobra found in the southern islands of the Philippines. Now while it is in the species of the spitting cobra, this snake rarely spits its venom, because that’s such a comfort. It is, howver, considered an extremely aggressive snake that strikes with very little provocation. Oh, that’s somehow not better.

Samar Cobra

Samar Cobra