The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018


Meet the Jararaca, the best-known venomous snake in wealthy and heavily populated areas of southeastern Brazil. Between 1902 and 1945, this snake was responsible for 52% (3,446 cases) of snakebites, with a 0.7% mortality rate (25 deaths). Their venom is slightly more toxic than that of the terciopelo or fer-de-lance so stay clear.



South American bushmaster

South American bushmaster snakes are the longest venomous snake in the Western Hemisphere, as are they the longest pit viper in the world. Native to parts of South America, especially the equatorial forests east of the Andes, so scratch that off the bucket list. To make matters worse, they are large, fast and have a reputation for being aggressive when cornered.

South American Bushmaster

South American Bushmaster