Hilarious Photos That Only Tall People Can Relate To

Published on December 2, 2019

Almost every short person wishes they could be tall. But little do they know that tall people have their challenges too. Have a look at these hilarious photos and you’ll see why the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Water Station

Most amenities in this world are designed around people of average height. Water fountains are one of the many amenities that are extremely difficult to access when you’re a very tall person. They have to almost bend over fully to get a drink.

Water Station

Water Station

Limited Leg Room

Apartment buildings in crowded cities are designed to fit as much as they can in a small space. Hence why the toilet is very close to the bath in this photo. Thankfully, in this design, the bathtub can actually be used as extra legroom.

Again With The Leg Room

Limited Leg Room